*Note: Please contact Pam Felix at pam@tmh.church before submitting application materials to inquire about class availability.


Morning — 9:00 to 11:30 am

  • Puppies (Pre-3 to 3-year-olds): Children must be age 2 years, 7 months by August 31 to register (Wednesday/Friday classes only)

  • Butterflies (3-4 year-olds): Children must be potty-trained (wearing regular underwear and having minimal accidents) and age 3 by August 31 to register

  • Teddy Bears (4-5 year-olds): Children must be age 4 by August 31 to register



Morning – 9:00 to 11:30 am

  • Kittens (Pre-3 to 3-year-olds): Children must be age 2 years, 7 months by August 31 to register (Tuesday/Thursday classes only)

  • Bumblebees (3-4 year-olds): Children must be potty-trained (wearing regular underwear and having minimal accidents) and age 3 by August 31 to register

  • Pandas (4-5 year-olds): Children must be age 4 by August 31 to register